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Configuring dnsmasq in a BSD Jail on FreeNAS 11

These are notes on how I setup dnsmasq to act as a DNS and DHCP server running in a BSD Jail on FreeNAS 11.

These notes are largely based on this writeup and this one too.

Update /etc/resolv.conf on FreeNAS

Add the entry:


Create a BSD Jail

In the FreeNAS UI, create a jail, ensure that VIMAGE is checked so that the entire network is accessible outside the jail. I assigned the jail an IP of

Once created, the jail should be running. Confirm this via jls.

root@files:~ # jls
   JID  IP Address      Hostname                      Path
     2                  dnsmasq                       /mnt/tank2/jails/dnsmasq
root@files:~ #

Install dnsmasq

Enter the jail you just created. In my case, it was shown as jail 2 in the output of jls. To enter it: jexec 2 /bin/csh.

Ensure the package is available by running pkg search dnsmasq. Then install it via pkg install dnsmasq. You should see the following output:

*** To enable dnsmasq, edit /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf and
*** set dnsmasq_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf[.local]
*** Further options and actions are documented inside
*** /usr/local/etc/rc.d/dnsmasq

Create a Directory to Contain Leases

[root@dnsmasq /]# mkdir -p /var/db/dnsmasq

Configure dnsmasq

Create a dnsmasq.conf file in /usr/local/etc:

[root@dnsmasq /]# cat  /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf
# dnsmasq Settings

# Never forward simple hostnames (names that do not contain a dot).

# Prevent non-routable private IP addresses from being forwarded.

# Our domain.  Allows lookups using either simple hostnames or
# FQHNs.  For example, either 'laptop' or ''.

# Append the above domain to to simple hostnames (i.e., hostnames
# without a period), thereby creating FQDNs.

# Queries for my domain answered only by dnsmasq, /etc/hosts, or DHCP.
# I don't want this, as it precludes the use of for hosts
# not on this local net (e.g., my web and email servers).
# local=/

# Only listen on listen-address.
# As configured below, only listen on the local network.
listen-address=   # IP of what Dnsmasq is running on/in

# DHCP Settings

# IP range to give out

# Store leases here

# Default gateway
dhcp-option=tag:lan,option:router,   # MikroTik router

# Specify DNS server for DHCP clients.
# IP of FreeNAS BSD jail dnsmasq runs in.

# Use DNS servers in order shown

# Upstream DNS servers
server=         # Google
server=  # OpenDNS
server=         # Google

# Location of our hosts file

# Ensure these devices always get same IP
dhcp-host=B0:A7:37:EB:E6:29,    # Roku

Create a local hosts file

Create a local hosts file for all of my systems with static IP addresses:

[root@dnsmasq /]# cat  /usr/local/etc/hosts      localhost

# Network Equipment    modem         # LTE modem   aprouter      # MikroTik AP/router   switch        # MikroTik router for servers   bridge        # MikroTik 5GHz bridge

# Dell R510 Server (FreeNAS)  drac510       # iDRAC 6  files         # FreeNAS 11  filessmb      # SMB shares  filesafp      # AFP shares  dnsmasq       # dnsmasq in BSD jail

# Dell R610 Server (Proxmox VE)  drac610       # iDRAC 6  apps          # Proxmox via port 8006  ubuntu plex   # Ubuntu server, Plex via port 32400

# Other devices  roku          # Roku box.  IP assigned via dnsmasq.conf

Starting dnsmasq at Boot

In the jail, add the following to /etc/rc.conf:


In FreeNAS, access the Advanced settings for the jail and check 'autostart'.

Start dnsmmasq manually

Start it manually via: service dnsmasq restart.

Test the config files: dnsmasq --test.

Update /etc/resolv.conf

This is not strictly necessary, but if you wish to use dnsmasq for domain resolution within the BSD jail, then /etc/resolv.conf should contain:

search local

If you don't do this and run commands such as drill aprouter at the command line from within the jail, dnsmasq will not be used for the lookup and the results may fool one into think dnsmasq isn't working correctly.

Testing dnsmasq

To test DNS:

# From another host
$ dig drac610 @

# From the jail
$ drill aprouter @localhost

# If you updated resolv.conf, this should work in the jail
$ drill aprouter

How to see if DHCP is working properly? One method is to use an nmap script. This script can be a little misleading, in that it only returns the first answer that it gets from a DHCP server. If there are multiple DHCP servers, you'll never know about it.

$ sudo nmap --script broadcast-dhcp-discover -e eth0

Another option is dhcpdump. I prefer this one as it runs on top of tcpdump and will dump DHCP responses as long as it runs. It's the best way to see if there is more than one DHCP server active.

$ sudo dhcpdump -i eth0

MacPorts does not contain dhcpdump, but the source is here. It is trivial to build. The same page also has source for dhcping.

Updating the Hosts File

To update the hosts file:

  • Enter the dnsmasq jail.
  • Update /usr/local/etc/hosts and save it.
  • $ service dnsmasq restart

MacOS Reminders

In working through all this, at times, I'd make changes and be confused when the results that I saw on my laptop didn't match the change I thought I made. I'd eventually remember that MacOS is caching query results. To clear the cache on 10.13:

$ sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
$ sudo killall mDNSResponderHelper
$ sudo dscacheutil -flushcache

To see all DNS servers MacOS is using, including scoped queries (taken from here):

# To see all DNS servers MacOS is using
$ scutil --dns

# To query DNS the way that MacOS does
$ dns-sd -G v4v6

DNS tools such as nslookup, dig, and host each contain their own unique DNS resolver code, so their answers may or may not match those used by MacOS itself.

To see which DHCP server your address came from and which DNS server your DHCP server told MacOS to use, look at the the output from:

$ ipconfig getpacket en0